"If Truth Be Told
DJ Blingg argues he's the real reason cats are bumping six-twelve out of the back of their old Skool classics, after releasing his latest instrumental to his newest single entitled "Milestone" DJ Blingg says he dares any MC to body his beat sending out an open challenge.
"The #BodiedDaBeatChallenge is a braze to any MC's who thinks that they can body my shit, I do it for the love of hip hop".
The instrumental is said to be whamming from the start and just shy of three minutes long.
Download Track, Then Body It!!
Upload your track Exclusively to our DropBox >> link << (OR) Share your social media link followed by the tag #BodiedDaBeatChallenge or just mention @DjBlingg_Beatz on Twitter, Instagram, or Soundcloud with a link to your Freestyle or just simply submit by DropBox!